Monday, August 9, 2010

my birthday 06.08.2010

i joining the group of twenties~~
say goodbye to 10ies~~T.T i going to miss u i mean now!!! seriously missing u
thanks to my best fren
she throw me a awesome birthday party
1st time celebrate at oversea, australia
it was prettee awesome hey
it was so "surPrise" ehem~~(inside joke)
2 surprise i suppose
1st was all housemates, fren.... all of them at my flat
omg!! i was slow indeed i didnt know anything~~ ehem i just too lazy to notice ~~ watever la
2nd was the cake thingy~~
2 cake omg~~
the cake was yummy~~ em-em~
Awesome birthday party!!!! i will never forget about it seriously~~

i create another trend ~~haha*shy*(inside joke)
last time was "yorh"
now using "de" or em-em
thick face here <3 haha~~ i know i cute~~ pls say other thing ~~haha


  1. muahahaha 20 feels old right? >.<
    welcome to 20s haku!!! muackssss
    why no invite me to the party?! :@ :(
