Friday, January 22, 2010


argh~~ i write liao de lo~~~ now the post gone
i need to write again~!!! stupid u!!!!

like that jiu bo feel to write liao looooo

but i wan to write out eh!!!
kns~~ type again~~


let start~~

a special day~~ ahha~~ i woke up early today ~~unbelieveable~~ even my dad also cant believe it hahaha
i nervous har~~ dunno haha
my best fren bring me go one utama~~ i think i 1st time come eh~~i am typical 宅女...
stay in kl but a lot of place never go be4 T.T
my best fren bring me to go n c a cute cute guy~~hahha
omg my hearbeat very fast lo~~ we are at in front of his house le~~ i saw dao him liao
*shy* *shy* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i wan to scream liao~~ i dunno wat to do next
i cant believe at all~~ i really come n find him liao hehe
i hand in his present n then persuade him to go eat dinner with me
hahahaaa at last he agree hehe~~
my best fren say i very brave la*shy* haha
i know i know~~

really a special nite to me~~
thx for willing to come out n meet me~~
i really appreciate it very much thx again~~

muackzz ==
i really hope u like the present la ~~hehe~~
n tis is 1st time i hand in the present to a guy le~~
a good start haha~~

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