Thursday, March 25, 2010

a day that i really blur
i dun have a clue of what i had just say it to the fren that i talk to
weird weird !!
another 1000 words again- law essay !!! i hate law
there are so many words and need to memorize...
luckily the final exam is a open book test... ya i know... i wont have the time to check the book n write... who care rite~~ last minute work and reading again haha~~ hopefully i pass

u will never know how time gone so fast~~ one minute disaster hailstorm occur on minute back to sunshine again~~

a bit of frustated that i didnt get to c the hailstorm~ tis is the 1st time occur since i come here...
i was at the lecture hall when it occur, on the next day the spot which i was... the place have been closed down...
luckily nothing happen to me~~ lucky me~~ haha

easter holiday and semester break start next week... i got two week holiday hooray~~
but the sad part is that i have assignment to do during the holiday~~ ish hate assignment~~
who care about assignment~~ let enjoy tis holiday before exam coming~~ hehe

i miss yam cha T.T
i miss shopping in kl
i miss food of cuz!!!!!!!